LEGO Technic releasing in 2023

11 January 2023 | LEGO News, The Humble Brick Blog

A small wave of new LEGO Technic launching in 2023 has been displayed as “coming soon”. “Smaller” sets seem to be the norm for the new year, while larger sets are very likely coming soon.

30655: Forklift with Pallet – Polybag

42147: Dump Truck – 177 pieces

42148: Snow Groomer – 178 pieces

42149: Monster Jam Dragon – 217 pieces

42150: Monster Jam Monster Mutt Dalmatian – 244 pieces

42151: Bugatti Bolide – 905 pieces

I love the smaller sets. This is why I am particularly pleased with these new releases. The Dump Truck and Snow Groomer will be great little builds over a cup of coffee.

LEGO Technic releasing in 2023
LEGO Techinc Excavator

The beauty of these Technic sets is that they are 2-in-1, which means that there is an alternate build to these sets. The Dump Truck transforms into an Excavator.

LEGO Techinc 2 in 1
LEGO Techinc 2 in 1 set

The Snow Groomer transforms into a Snowmobile.

Smaller sets are suitable for people with smaller spaces to display, but are also extremely useful for MOC builders who want to bulk up their inventory. Both these sets look like they will be very versatile.

30655: Forklift with Pallet

LEGO continues the trend of releasing a new polybag in 2023. Rebrickable says this set will include 78 pieces. It has slightly more pieces than the 30433: Volvo Wheel Loader (69 pieces) of 2022. This looks like an amazing design with plenty of useful pieces, especially if you are looking to increase your Technic inventory. It might also be interesting to display it next to the 2018: Heavy Duty Forklift.


LEGO Technic Snow Groomer

Another exciting “unintended” positive feature of smaller sets, such as the Forklift with Pallet, is that there are many alternate builds. Rebrickable is a particularly good source to see these creations.

42151: Bugatti Bolide

My first impressions of the Bugatti Bolide are positive. The finished set closely resembles the real-life car. The LEGO designers might have been tempted to build this in colours of black and dark azure, however, the striking use of black and yellow make this an attractive set to build and display.

LEGO TEchnic Bugatti Bolide

RacingBrick has already released a review of the Bugatti Bolide on YouTube, which is well worth watching. The set looks like it has many interesting techniques in its design and it looks like it will fit if placed onto the 2019 42098: Car Transporter. I will be very happy if it does.

All sets appear to be well-priced and in line with 2022 pricing. I am looking forward to getting my hands on some of these. Are there any that grab your attention?

Happy building!

Since completing this article, LEGO have announced four additional sets to be released around April 2023. There are some exciting sets coming. I am super-excited about these.